This is Thomas. He is from Sandra Polley's book, The Knitted Teddy Bear. The instructions were clear and the whole project took less than one week. And since I had to occasionally put it down to get on with my real life, (so annoying!) that's pretty quick from start to finish.
You know how sometimes house guests come to stay and you're all excited about it, and then, after they've been in your home for about 20 minutes you start to get all "omg, this person isn't leaving for 10 days." Well, this little house guest could move in permanently and that would be just dandy with us. Because he's small, furry, loves to cuddle, eats whatever you put in front of him, and doesn't talk back.
This is Miguel, aka Mike, and seriously, you cannot walk by him without having to stop and snorgle for a minute or 20. You can see he has adopted Thomas as his 'naptime pal' which was totally cute because when he plays with his toys he tosses them in the air and does actual ripping/tearing and other destructive things to them when I play tug of war with him. But not so with Thomas. Thomas is his pal, not to be treated harshly.
I think every one deserves a friend like Miguel.