Friday, October 9, 2009

The Power of a Single Word

It’s official. The President has been anointed. He has garnered the big one. The top echelon of prizes. The brass ring. This would be wonderful, if only I could think of what his big accomplishment is.

He said the award is based on his "hope for peace in the Middle East" as one possible reason he might have received this. He said this award reflects not the achievement of one person, but the "hope of millions of people around the world. A hope for the world we want to live in."

That’s a good thing to hope for. Lots of people hope for that. How many Noble Peace Prizes should we make and hand out this year then? Six million, 10 million, 100 million? How many millions of awards would need to be manufactured to give one to every person who hopes for the same thing? How much air time would it take to announce all these prize winners? Could this create thousands of jobs right here in America alone?

His campaign promise of Hope and Change has worked well for him. The ‘promise’ even won him the prize. Wow. Powerful word, hope.

According to Obama’s Press Secretary, Robert Gibbs, Obama himself has said one thing I do totally agree with, and that is "he" (sic) certainly has not done enough yet to earn it. I agree. Perhaps I’ll consider him worthy of the award based solely on his confusion over receiving it.

And then maybe it won’t bother me that handing out such an esteemed award as this one for a promise of hope has diminished the award itself.

No, it will still bother me.

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